Azure Services🔥

Azure Services🔥

Compute Service🤝 :

These services provides virtual machines (VMs) and containers for running applications and workloads. Examples include Azure Virtual Machines, Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), and Azure Functions etc...

Storage Service💾:

Azure provides scalable storage solutions for data storage, backup, and recovery any conditions. This includes Azure Blob Storage, Azure Files, Azure Disk Storage, and Azure Data Lake Storage.

Networking Service🕸️:

Azure networking services provides users to create and manage virtual networks, load balancers, VPN gateways, and more. Examples include Azure Virtual Network, Azure Load Balancer, and Azure VPN Gateway.

Database Service🗄️:

Azure provides to various database services, including relational databases like Azure SQL Database, NoSQL databases like Azure Cosmos DB, and data warehousing solutions.

Analytics Service📈:

Azure provides services for big data analytics, machine learning, and business intelligence. Examples include Azure Machine Learning etc..

IOT Service✨:
Azure IOT services provides users to connect, monitor, and manage IoT devices and solutions.

🏷️Steps to creation of Azure Account

Step 1:

Go to search engine based on your usage search for

Step 2:

After click the link, you be landed on the azure portal.

Step 3:

For the new user click on the new to Azure. Sign in for existing user's only.

Step 4:

After clicking on the above link's any , the link trigger to the this page. Based on the your requirement login to the account.

Step 5:

As per my requirement, I have to go with Github option (recommand to use).

You can redirect to the below page.

Step 6:

Finally entered into Azure portal as our target. Based on the our requirement we can launch the resource available in the Azure.

As per my requirement i will through SQL Databases. To store some sample data and retrieval that data and modify the particular that data by using azure services.

Way to Launch the SQL resource🚀

i.e Create your own resource group

i.e create your own server in the Database details section, based on the my requirement i have created my server.

Click on the review + create the resource button.

When you click on the review + create it shows like starting the deployment is progress.It take few minutes to create our server resource.

Step 8:

Create sequel query on the workspace as our requirement base.After clicking on the Run button is show (Query be succeed).

create table Form(
cust_id int primary key,
First_Name varchar(20),
Last_Name varchar(20),
Bill_address char(20),
order_status int default 1,
custom_field varchar(20)
--Sql Table creation

Step 9:

Insert some data on it as using of single insert command or multiple insert command at a time and create some stored procedure use later point of time.

insert into Form values(101,'sravan','dabbi','Arpeta',1,'allgood');

insert into Form(Cust_id,First_name,Last_Name, Bill_address,order_status,custom_field) 
select * from Form;

select count(cust_id) as num_of_records from Form where order_status=0 and bill_address='Uttarpradesh';

alter table Form add Feed_back varchar(20);


Here we seen account creation of azure and launch the SQL resource in azure with some example of registration data.

Yup! things are too good , finally you are launch an instance in Microsoft Azure service.